
Friday, June 26, 2009


My disappearance for few weeks time was due to the break down of my was way too old..and I guess its time for it to leave..wth.. =p

Classes are still boring..coz the lecturers are boring..sometimes..I dont even know what the lecturer was talking about during the whole class..I even wondered if it was my problem or the lecturer's..and when I asked around if somebody's feeling exactly the way that I do..all of them actually said yes..haha..ALL..

And why in the world that we need to sit on the floor when we have paid so much money for our studies..arent we supposed to be provided with a comfortable seat? cant they just do something when they know that the class is unable to fit in all the students? sigh..conclusion..the system sucks!

Well..cant believe that mid term's coming few weeks time..gosh...I'm so not fact..I havent been studying even a single thing dead..basically I'm just busy attending classes..and working during the weekends..even the books and notes are incomplete yet..


I'll be going off to Avillion next week.. =D

I cant wait..its going to be awesome.. =p

Relax timeeee! =)

And owhh..I've watched Transformers II on the exact release date itself..haha! =p got tickets and nice back seats..awesomeness!! sorry for those who didnt manage to get any tickets till next week..hahahahahaha!! =D

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