To be honest, this paper will be the first crapping paper I've ever had. As in really crapping with very limited time given. Expected craps of 3 to 4 booklets maybe. I'm not sure if I can really do it, but I will just have to do it. No other choice given. With all the stories told by friends who have taken the subject before, there's no time for stopping or thinking of what to crap. And when the time is up, you'll never get to feel your hands and fingers anymore. Its all numbed. Sigh, now this makes me sick.
Perhaps, I shall force myself to practice the whole day tomorrow, after the kids thingy. I've actually promised a friend to help him out in his kids activities in Mayter. What's my job? Not babysitting okie. Its more like making friends with the kids, guiding them and joining them for the activities. It is indeed fun, but tiring too. I have 11 kids in my group, and when each of them calling out for your attention, you'll go 'huh' , 'what', 'yes', 'no', 'okie', 'wait' and whatsoever. =p
But still, I love being around these kids. They are just so adorable and active and so into everything. They bring positive vibe and energy around them all the time. Most of all, they made me happy when I see them smile too. =]
I don't feel lame doing whatever the kids are doing. I don't feel lame dancing to the chicken song and wriggling around with them. Kids don't care about whatsoever image you have. They couldn't care less if you are cool or un-cool to them. They just want a friend who'll listen to them and acknowledge whatever they did and have fun at the same time. =]
And now, I can't wait to see those lovely little ones tomorrow morning. =D
Of course, once I'm done in the afternoon, I'll do my crapping practice the whole day. =p